Ensure links explain their purpose
YMCA Derbyshire
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
The purpose of a link should be clear from the text inside the link. Links like "learn more" are not helpful to users with accessible technology.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Sexual Health | Safter Choices | YMCA Derbyshireymcaderbyshire.org.uk/our-services/safer-choices/ | 17 |
Contact Us | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/contact-us/ | 12 |
Housing | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/our-services/housing/ | 9 |
Latest News | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/news/ | 8 |
Meet the Team | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/about/meet-the-team/ | 8 |
Mentoring | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/get-involved/mentoring/ | 8 |
Childcare | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/our-services/childcare/ | 8 |
Padley@YMCA Derbyshire | Quiz 'n' Chips Fundraiser | Derby Quiz Nightymcaderbyshire.org.uk/quiz-n-chips/ | 8 |
Community Meal | YMCA Derbyshire | Supporting People in Derbyymcaderbyshire.org.uk/get-involved/community-meal/ | 8 |
YMCA Derbyshire Sleep Easy 2025ymcaderbyshire.org.uk/sleep-easy/ | 8 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here