Ensure form controls have labels
Usalliance Credit Union
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
People using screen readers are not able to see the layout of a form. To make forms accessible, they must define explicit text labels for each form control.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Financial Wellness Center | Financial Education | USALLIANCEwww.usalliance.org/financial-education | 4 |
IRA | Certificates | Financial Services | USALLIANCE Financialwww.usalliance.org/investment-products | 1 |
Personal Loans | USALLIANCE Financialwww.usalliance.org/loan-products/personal-loans | 1 |
Savings & Personal Loan Rates | USALLIANCE Financialwww.usalliance.org/about-us/rates | 1 |
Banking Products | USALLIANCE Financialwww.usalliance.org/banking-products | 1 |
Certificate Accounts | High Yield Certificates | USALLIANCE Financialwww.usalliance.org/investment-products/cd | 1 |
Fund an Account or Pay a Credit Card or Loan | USALLIANCEwww.usalliance.org/funding-and-payments | 1 |
Website Privacy Policy | USALLIANCE Financialwww.usalliance.org/website-privacy-policy | 1 |
HELOC | Home Lending Center | USALLIANCEwww.usalliance.org/home-lending-center/heloc | 1 |
Home Lending Center | Mortgages | USALLIANCEwww.usalliance.org/home-lending-center | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here