Ensure every page contains a top-level heading
Upstate Medical University
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Every page should have a clearly defined heading, known as a "H1" (Heading 1).
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
College of Nursing | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/con/ | 1 |
Upstate Neurological Institute | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/neuroinstitute/ | 1 |
College of Health Professions | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/chp/ | 1 |
Incoming Students | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/incomingstudents/ | 1 |
Upstate Calendar:SUNY Upstate Medical Universitywww.upstate.edu/webcal/main.php | 1 |
Cancer Center | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/cancer/ | 1 |
Current Students | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/currentstudents/ | 1 |
Upstate University Hospital | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/hospital/ | 1 |
Norton College of Medicine | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/com/ | 1 |
Upstate Community Hospital | SUNY Upstatewww.upstate.edu/community/ | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here