Ensure links are distinguished by more than just color
University of Massachusetts Medical School
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.4.1
Links must be appear visually distinct from regular text. A common mistake is to make links only differ subtly in color. Users with visual impairments cannot see these links.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
T.H. Chan School of Medicine, UMass Chan Medical Schoolwww.umassmed.edu/som/ | 10 |
Giving to UMass Chan Medical School: Your gift can make a differencewww.umassmed.edu/giving/ | 9 |
Jobs at UMass Chan Medical Schoolwww.umassmed.edu/jobs/ | 7 |
Office of Educational Affairs - UMass Chan - Worcesterwww.umassmed.edu/oea/ | 4 |
Office of Communications at UMass Chan Medical Schoolwww.umassmed.edu/oc/ | 4 |
Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences - UMass Chanwww.umassmed.edu/gsbs/ | 4 |
Student Lifewww.umassmed.edu/studentlife/ | 4 |
Registrar' s Office | UMass Chan Medical School - Worcesterwww.umassmed.edu/registrar/ | 3 |
Contact Us - UMass Chan Medical Schoolwww.umassmed.edu/contact-us/ | 3 |
UMass Chan Medical School Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursingwww.umassmed.edu/gsn/ | 3 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here