Avoid using the same link text for different destinations
University of Baltimore
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
Screen reader users will see links on a page listed without context, so you should ensure the same link text is not used to point to different web addresses.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Campus Life - Student Organizations | University of Baltimorewww.ubalt.edu/campus-life/ | 48 |
Academic Catalogs - University of Baltimorewww.ubalt.edu/academics/catalogs.cfm | 37 |
Academic Programs: Undergraduate & Graduate | University of Baltimorewww.ubalt.edu/academics/ | 32 |
Office of Admission | University of Baltimorewww.ubalt.edu/admission/ | 20 |
News - University of Baltimorewww.ubalt.edu/news/ | 18 |
Student Finances and Recordswww.ubalt.edu/finance-and-records/ | 18 |
About UBalt: Bachelor's, Master's and Law Degreeswww.ubalt.edu/about-ub/index.cfm | 18 |
About UBalt: Bachelor's, Master's and Law Degreeswww.ubalt.edu/about-ub/ | 18 |
Graduate Admission - Master's Degrees | University of Baltimorewww.ubalt.edu/admission/graduate/ | 18 |
Diversity and Inclusion at UBaltwww.ubalt.edu/about-ub/diversity/ | 17 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here