Avoid using the same link text for different destinations
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
Screen reader users will see links on a page listed without context, so you should ensure the same link text is not used to point to different web addresses.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Site map | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/site-map | 37 |
Your appointment | UHDB Trust | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/your-appointment | 25 |
Patient leaflets | Adults | UHDB Trust | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/adults-leaflets | 24 |
Information Governance | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/information-governance | 23 |
Privacy notices and cookies | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/privacy | 22 |
Urgent maternity care | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/urgent-maternity | 22 |
Parking | Royal Derby Hospital | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/parking-at-royal-derby | 22 |
Being a member | UHDB Trust | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/become-a-trust-member | 22 |
Volunteering | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/volunteering | 22 |
Maps | Queen's Hospital Burton | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHSwww.uhdb.nhs.uk/queens-hospital-maps | 22 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here