Ensure lists are marked up correctly
Tower Credit Union
From: WCAG 2.0 A 4.1.1
Lists (e.g., <ul>
or <ol>
) should only contain list items (<li>
) as a direct descendant
to ensure that screen readers can accurately report the amount of items contained in the list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Financial Seminars | MD, DC, VA Personal Finance | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/advice-planning/events | 2 |
Careers | MD, DC, VA Professional Development | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/about/careers | 1 |
Digital Banking | MD, DC, VA Mobile Banking App | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/banking/digital-banking | 1 |
Forms | MD, DC, VA Membership | Account Management | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/forms | 1 |
Page Not Foundwww.towerfcu.org/invented-url-for-404-page | 1 |
Contact Us | MD, DC, VA Credit Union Member Services | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/about/contact | 1 |
Apply For A Loan | MD, DC, VA Loan Pre-Approval | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/loans/apply-for-a-loan | 1 |
Become A Member | MD, DC, VA Membership Benefits | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/about/membership | 1 |
Youth Accounts | MD, DC, VA Kid Savings Account | Towerwww.towerfcu.org/banking/youth-accounts | 1 |
Sitemapwww.towerfcu.org/sitemap | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here