Ensure every page contains a top-level heading
The Barnes Fund
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Every page should have a clearly defined heading, known as a "H1" (Heading 1).
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
The Barnes Fund | Our People directors and trusteesthebarnesfund.org.uk/our-people/ | 1 |
OUR HISTORY - The Barnes Fundthebarnesfund.org.uk/our-history/ | 1 |
Barnes Fund supporting residents | Other Community Intereststhebarnesfund.org.uk/other-community-interests/ | 1 |
The Barnes Fund | Annual Review of activities and grants madethebarnesfund.org.uk/annual-report/ | 1 |
Get Involved support The Barnes Community help the disadvantagedthebarnesfund.org.uk/get-involved/ | 1 |
Contact the Barnes Fund | Contact Walsingham Lodgethebarnesfund.org.uk/contact-us/ | 1 |
Financial support and grants for organisations and charities | Barnes Fundthebarnesfund.org.uk/charity-or-voluntary-organisation/ | 1 |
Barnes Fund helps low income individuals and families in distressthebarnesfund.org.uk/the-barnes-fund/ | 1 |
The Barnes Fund charity Privacy Safeguarding Complaints Policiesthebarnesfund.org.uk/policies/ | 1 |
Walsingham Lodge | affordable accommodation for older peoplethebarnesfund.org.uk/walsingham-lodge/ | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here