Ensure pinch-to-zoom is enabled
St John Homes (Thames Valley)
From: WCAG 2.0 AA 1.4.4
Users must be able to magnify the contents of a web page by up to 200%. In modern browsers this is almost always possible unless the page chooses to disable it.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | About Usstjohnhomestv.co.uk/about-us | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Error 404 : Not Foundstjohnhomestv.co.uk/invented-url-for-404-page | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Wetwood Farm, Dunsfold Village, Surreystjohnhomestv.co.uk/developments/wetwood-farm-dunsfold-village-surrey | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Land adjoining Woodlands Farm, The Vale Near Cheshamstjohnhomestv.co.uk/developments/land-adjoining-woodlands-farm-the-vale-near-chesham | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Land adjoining Meadowbrook Risborough Roadstjohnhomestv.co.uk/developments/land-adjoining-meadowbrook-risborough-road | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Homestjohnhomestv.co.uk/ | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Lashlake Nursery, Chinnor Road, Towerseystjohnhomestv.co.uk/developments/lashlake-nursery-chinnor-road-towersey | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Site Mapstjohnhomestv.co.uk/site-map | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Privacy Policystjohnhomestv.co.uk/privacy-policy | 1 |
St John Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd | Operational Areastjohnhomestv.co.uk/operational-area | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here