Ensure lists are marked up correctly
Sønderborg Kommune
From: WCAG 2.0 A 4.1.1
Lists (e.g., <ul>
or <ol>
) should only contain list items (<li>
) as a direct descendant
to ensure that screen readers can accurately report the amount of items contained in the list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Cookie policy and the protection of data | Sonderborgsonderborg.dk/en/policy/ | 1 |
For young people and students in the Sonderborg areasonderborg.dk/en/young/ | 1 |
Kasernen - sonderborg.dksonderborg.dk/temaer/kasernen/ | 1 |
For businesses in the Sonderborg area | Develop your businesssonderborg.dk/en/business/ | 1 |
Erhverv i Sønderborg-området | Start eller flyt virksomhedsonderborg.dk/erhverv/ | 1 |
Siden blev ikke fundet - sonderborg.dksonderborg.dk/invented-url-for-404-page/ | 1 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingsonderborg.dk/en/ | 1 |
Job and job search in the Sonderborg area | View the optionssonderborg.dk/en/jobs/ | 1 |
Zieh nach Sonderborg! | Informationen für Zuzüglersonderborg.dk/de/zuzugler/ | 1 |
Jobs und Stellensuche in der Gemeinde Sonderborgsonderborg.dk/de/arbeit/ | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here