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Shire of Christmas Island
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
PDFs need to be tagged in a valid reading order for accessibility. See Adobe's guide and WCAG for advice.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
c7959b_61a425ba2bea4804b7fa278d72f6b34b.pdfwww.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/c7959b_61a425ba2bea4804b7fa278d72f6b34b.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
Microsoft Word - Container Permit.docwww.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/ecbb0b_fcb64edbdf954ceea71f54445e66233b.pdf | 1 |
Microsoft Word - Form - Application for An Order For A Road Closurewww.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/ecbb0b_8096374436cd4593849ce90976d66e3c.pdf | 1 |
c7959b_0c98c3fb97e7477aaa4a8958005f03e3.pdfwww.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/c7959b_0c98c3fb97e7477aaa4a8958005f03e3.pdf | 1 |
c7959b_722aea7acaec4ec1a9177078ee59c568.pdfwww.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/c7959b_722aea7acaec4ec1a9177078ee59c568.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
1 | |
EXCAVATION PERMIT TEMPLATE 23 0510 (Page 1-2 & Attachment 1) - Account Details.xlswww.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/c7959b_ae82bede88184042b75c34920d1b8640.pdf | 1 |
Shire of Christmas Island Local Planning Strategy endorsed May 2015www.shire.gov.cx/_files/ugd/ecbb0b_75a18a36cf5a46d1af071c8fffcea581.pdf | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here