Ensure interactive components are far enough apart
Santa Ana College
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.5.8
All interactive components on a page, such as buttons or menus, should be far enough apart from other interactive areas, to avoid them being used by mistake.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
FACULTY & STAFFsac.edu/FacultyStaff/Pages/default.aspx | 29 |
CLASS SCHEDULEsac.edu/CatalogAndSchedule/Pages/default.aspx | 15 |
SAC Student Resourcessac.edu/AcademicAffairs/DistanceEd/Pages/SAC-Student-Resources.aspx | 15 |
Santa Ana College Foundationsac.edu/Foundation/Pages/default.aspx | 13 |
Sce-Careerlst - All Itemssac.edu/Lists/Sce-Careerlst/AllItems.aspx | 12 |
Admissions and Recordssac.edu/StudentServices/AdmissionsRecords/Pages/default.aspx | 10 |
Accreditationsac.edu/Accreditation/Pages/default.aspx | 8 |
Santa Ana Collegesac.edu/Pages/default.aspx | 6 |
Staff-Directorysac.edu/Pages/staff-Directory.aspx | 4 |
Site Contentssac.edu/_layouts/15/viewlsts.aspx | 3 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here