Tag all PDFs

San Jose State University

From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1

PDFs need to be tagged in a valid reading order for accessibility. See Adobe's guide and WCAG for advice.

Where this issue has occurred

Where this issue has occurred
Title / URLIssues
\\its-cfsv006fdo.sjsuad.sjsu.edu\scan$\MAPS, SURVEYS, SIGNAGES , & WEBPAGE\Webpages\PDC\Campus Bike Rack\21-0820\CAD\15-1020_Bawww.sjsu.edu/map/docs/21-0820_SJSU-Bike-Rack-Map.pdf
\\its-cfsv006fdo.sjsuad.sjsu.edu\scan$\MAPS, SURVEYS, SIGNAGES , & WEBPAGE\Webpages\PDC\Main Campus Map\CAD\21-0723_MC Map 11x1www.sjsu.edu/map/docs/21-0723_SJSU_Main-Campus_Map.pdf

Only the top 2 issues are shown here