Write lists or groups of links semantically
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Lists of related items should be written semantically as a list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Feedback: Tell us about your experience at Royal Papworth Hospital.royalpapworth.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/feedback | 4 |
NHS Jobs | Vacancies at Royal Papworth Hospitalroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/working-here/our-vacancies | 3 |
Cardiac surgery at Royal Papworth Hospitalroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/our-services/surgery/Cardiac-surgery | 3 |
NHS Jobs | Vacancies at Royal Papworth Hospitalwww.royalpapworth.nhs.uk/working-here/our-vacancies | 3 |
Heart and Lung Research Institute | Cambridgeroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/research-and-development/hlri | 3 |
Nursing jobs | NHS jobs | Nursingroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/working-here/roles/nursing-vacancies | 3 |
Volunteer at Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridgeroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/working-here/volunteer | 2 |
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) :: Royal Papworth Hospitalroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/patients-and-visitors/pals/pals | 2 |
Respiratory Support and Sleep Centre (RSSC) :: Royal Papworth Hospitalroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/our-services/respiratory-services/RSSC | 2 |
Dr John Cannon, Consultant Physician at Royal Papworth Hospitalroyalpapworth.nhs.uk/consultant-profiles/dr-john-cannon | 2 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here