Specify alternative text for images inside links
RHI Magnesita
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.1.1
When an image is the only content of a link, it should specify alternative text,
via an alt
attribute. The alternative text should describe the purpose of the link.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
(Português) RHI Magnesita | Mídia e notíciaswww.rhimagnesita.com/news/ | 7 |
News | RHI Magnesitawww.rhimagnesita.com/news/news-archive/ | 7 |
RHI Magnesita | Value Chainwww.rhimagnesita.com/about/value-chain/ | 7 |
RHI Magnesita Historywww.rhimagnesita.com/about/our-history/ | 7 |
Page not found | RHI Magnesitawww.rhimagnesita.com/invented-url-for-404-page | 7 |
Facts & Figures | RHI Magnesitawww.rhimagnesita.com/facts-figures/ | 7 |
RHI Magnesita -Wer wir sindwww.rhimagnesita.com/about/who-we-are/ | 7 |
Position: Dekarbonisierung Österreich | RHI Magnesitawww.rhimagnesita.com/position-austria/ | 7 |
RHI Magnesita | How we actwww.rhimagnesita.com/about/how-we-act/ | 7 |
People and Culture | RHI Magnesitawww.rhimagnesita.com/people-and-culture/ | 7 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here