Ensure content is not too difficult to understand
Pershing Square Holdings
From: WCAG 2.0 AAA 3.1.5
Most content should be written so people with a lower secondary level of education can understand it. Where this is not possible, supplemental content or an alternative version should be provided.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. Financial Statementspershingsquareholdings.com/materials/financial-statements/ | 1 |
Registrar - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/registrar/ | 1 |
Investment Manager - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/about/investment-manager/ | 1 |
Corporate - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/corporate/ | 1 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingpershingsquareholdings.com/ | 1 |
Administrator - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/administrator/ | 1 |
About Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/ | 1 |
SFDR Disclosures - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/esg/sfdr-disclosures/ | 1 |
Monthly Performance Reports - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/performance/monthly-performance-reports/ | 1 |
Corporate Governance - Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.pershingsquareholdings.com/corporate/corporate-governance/ | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here