Ensure focus is not fully obscured
Payment Systems Regulator
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.4.12
When selecting a user interface component with the keyboard, the focus indicator must not be completely obscured by anything in front of it.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Policy statements | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/policy-statements/ | 1 |
Working group and forum documents | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/working-group-and-forum-documents/ | 1 |
Speeches | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/news-and-updates/speeches/speeches/ | 1 |
Corporate information | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/corporate-information/ | 1 |
Legal directions and decisions | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/legal-directions-and-decisions/ | 1 |
PSR Strategy documents | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/psr-strategy-documents/ | 1 |
Annual Plans and Reports | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/annual-plans-and-reports/ | 1 |
Access and governance reports | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/publications/access-and-governance-reports/ | 1 |
News | Payment Systems Regulatorwww.psr.org.uk/news-and-updates/latest-news/news/ | 1 |
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