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Normandale Community College
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
PDFs need to be tagged in a valid reading order for accessibility. See Adobe's guide and WCAG for advice.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Normandale 990 Tax Return for Fiscal Year 2019.pdfwww.normandale.edu/why-normandale/foundation/Normandale%20990%20Tax%20Return%20for%20Fiscal%20Year%202019.pdf | 1 |
Form990Package - Final one.pdfwww.normandale.edu/_files/documents/foundation/Form990Package%20-%20Final%20one.pdf | 1 |
Microsoft Word - 2021-2022 Catalog 7-6-21.docxwww.normandale.edu/_files/documents/catalogs/2021-2022%20NCC%20Academic%20Catalog.pdf | 1 |
NCCF FY 20 Form 990.pdfwww.normandale.edu/_files/documents/foundation/NCCF%20FY%2020%20Form%20990.pdf | 1 |
FACTBOOK 2024_draft.qxp_Layout 1www.normandale.edu/_files/documents/about/Normandale%20Fact%20Book%202024_web.pdf | 1 |
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