Ensure every page contains a top-level heading
Moree Plains Shire Council
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Every page should have a clearly defined heading, known as a "H1" (Heading 1).
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Airportwww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/facilities/airport | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Road Safetywww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/roads/road-safety | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Toiletswww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/facilities/toilets | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - RV Friendlywww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/facilities/rv-friendly | 1 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingwww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/ | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Honour Rollswww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/about-us/honour-rolls | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Big Sky Librarieswww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/facilities/library | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Marketswww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/facilities/markets | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Fees and Chargeswww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/about-us/fees-and-charges | 1 |
Moree Plains Shire Council - Farming Equipmentwww.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/roads/farming-equipment | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here