Ensure interactive components are far enough apart
Michigan Technological University
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.5.8
All interactive components on a page, such as buttons or menus, should be far enough apart from other interactive areas, to avoid them being used by mistake.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Webcams | Michigan Tech | Houghton, MIwww.mtu.edu/webcams/ | 41 |
Fitness and Recreation | Michigan Techwww.mtu.edu/recreation/ | 32 |
Undergraduate Admissions | Michigan Technological Universitywww.mtu.edu/admissions/ | 10 |
Life at Tech | Michigan Tech Admissionswww.mtu.edu/admissions/life/ | 10 |
Michigan Tech Graduate Schoolwww.mtu.edu/gradschool/ | 9 |
Arts and Entertainment | Michigan Techwww.mtu.edu/arts/ | 9 |
Michigan Technological University | Website Listings | A to Zwww.mtu.edu/a2z/ | 9 |
Parents and Family | Michigan Technological Universitywww.mtu.edu/parentsfamily/ | 9 |
Majors, Degrees, and Programs | Michigan Technological Universitywww.mtu.edu/majors/ | 9 |
404 Not Foundwww.mtu.edu/invented-url-for-404-page | 9 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here