Ensure interactive components are far enough apart
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.5.8
All interactive components on a page, such as buttons or menus, should be far enough apart from other interactive areas, to avoid them being used by mistake.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Modern slavery statement - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/modern-slavery-statement | 4 |
Free resources - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/free-resources | 4 |
Our Impact - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/about-us/our-impact | 4 |
Form Communications - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/form-communications | 4 |
Carbon reduction statement - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/carbon-reduction-statement | 4 |
Terms of Use - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/terms-of-use | 4 |
Cookie policy - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/cookie-policy | 4 |
Health Services - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/our-services/health | 4 |
Page not found - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/invented-url-for-404-page | 4 |
All Insights - Maximus UKwww.maximusuk.co.uk/all-insights | 4 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here