Write lists or groups of links semantically
Max Credit Union
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Lists of related items should be written semantically as a list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Security Center | AL Fraud Prevention & Cybersecurity Tips | MAXwww.mymax.com/securitycenter | 2 |
About Us | AL Community Foundation | Locations | MAX Credit Unionwww.mymax.com/connect | 2 |
MAX Credit Union | Central & East AL Accounts | Loans | Insurancewww.mymax.com/ | 2 |
Insurance Services | AL Vehicle and Life Insurance Plans | MAXwww.mymax.com/insurance | 2 |
Round Up Savings Account | AL Debit Card | MAX Credit Unionwww.mymax.com/save/round-up | 2 |
Card Manager | AL Mobile Banking | Fraud Protection | MAXwww.mymax.com/cardmanager | 2 |
HELOC | Alabama Low HELOC Rates | MAX Credit Unionwww.mymax.com/heloc | 2 |
Vehicle Coverage | East & Central AL Insurance | MAX Credit Unionwww.mymax.com/vehicle-insure | 2 |
Wealth Management | Alabama Financial Planning | MAX Credit Unionwww.mymax.com/save/wealth-management | 2 |
Business Loans | AL Commercial Real Estate & Auto Loans | MAXwww.mymax.com/business-loans | 2 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here