Avoid using the same link text for different destinations
Mansfield ISD
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
Screen reader users will see links on a page listed without context, so you should ensure the same link text is not used to point to different web addresses.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Graduation - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/student-central/graduation | 100 |
Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/student-central/kroundup | 100 |
Apply With MISD - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/join-misd/apply-with-misd | 100 |
Calendars - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/news-events/calendars | 100 |
Back to School - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/student-central/b2s2425 | 100 |
Anti-Bullying - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/student-central/bullying | 100 |
About MISD - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/about-misd | 100 |
Student Central - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/student-central | 100 |
Course Guides - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/student-central/course-guides | 100 |
Departments - Mansfield Independent School Districtwww.mansfieldisd.org/departments | 100 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here