Specify alternative text for images inside links
Lincoln County, Washington
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.1.1
When an image is the only content of a link, it should specify alternative text,
via an alt
attribute. The alternative text should describe the purpose of the link.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingwww.co.lincoln.wa.us/ | 2 |
Sheriff – Enforce and defend constitution and laws.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/sheriff/ | 2 |
Lincoln County, WAwww.co.lincoln.wa.us/ | 2 |
Public Works – Maintaining the County Road system.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/public-works/ | 1 |
Prosecutors – Lawyer for the people of Lincoln County.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/prosecutors/ | 1 |
Building & Land Services – Divisions, zoning, addressing, forestry, building permits; building plan reviews and inspections.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/land-services/ | 1 |
Solid Waste and Recycling – Lincoln County Transfer Stationwww.co.lincoln.wa.us/solidwaste/ | 1 |
Auditor – County acounting, Licenses and Registration.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/auditor/ | 1 |
Commissioners – Chief administrators for county operations.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/commissioners/ | 1 |
Jail – Inmates, visitation, warrants.www.co.lincoln.wa.us/jail/ | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here