Ensure interactive components are far enough apart
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.5.8
All interactive components on a page, such as buttons or menus, should be far enough apart from other interactive areas, to avoid them being used by mistake.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
A-Z of Services | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/a-z-of-services | 100 |
Lewisham Consultant Directory | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/consultant-directory | 100 |
Services | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/our-services | 57 |
Give feedback | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/givefeedback | 32 |
For inpatients | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/inpatients | 32 |
Surgery and Critical Care | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/surgery | 31 |
Your operation | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/surgery-information | 30 |
Your visit | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/your-visit | 28 |
For visitors | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/visitors | 28 |
For outpatients | Lewisham and Greenwichwww.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/outpatients | 26 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here