Avoid alternative text that is the same as adjacent text
Lenoir Community College
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.1.1
An <img>
element inside a link must not specify alternative text that duplicates the
content of a text link inside or beside it.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Workforce Development - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/workforcedevelopment/ | 6 |
Career and College Promise (CCP) - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/future/ccp/ | 4 |
New or Returning Students - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/future/newreturn/ | 4 |
Follow us on Social Media - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/aboutlcc/followus/ | 4 |
Consumer Information - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/aboutlcc/coninfo/ | 4 |
Registrar's Office - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/future/registrar/ | 4 |
Policies and Disclaimers - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/policiesanddisclaimers | 4 |
Small Business Center - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/aboutlcc/sbc/ | 4 |
RISE Placement Test - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/future/rise/ | 4 |
Online Learning - Lenoir Community Collegewww.lenoircc.edu/onlinelearning/ | 4 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here