Ensure form controls have labels
Leelanau County, Michigan
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
People using screen readers are not able to see the layout of a form. To make forms accessible, they must define explicit text labels for each form control.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Leelanau County Clerk | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/clerk.asp | 1 |
Leelanau County | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/ | 1 |
Clothing | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/clothing.asp | 1 |
County Treasurer | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/treasurer.asp | 1 |
Veterans Affairs | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/veterans.asp | 1 |
Building Safety | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/concodes.asp | 1 |
Courts | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/courts.asp | 1 |
Housing Action Committee | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/housingac.asp | 1 |
Finance | Leelanau Countyleelanau.gov/finance.asp | 1 |
NRAA Zoning Board | Leelanau Countywww.leelanau.gov/pages0251920.asp | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here