Ensure pages don't scroll in two dimensions on small screens
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
From: WCAG 2.1 AA 1.4.10
When viewed on small screens (like mobile phones) content must fit without requiring scrolling in two dimensions.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Corporate Governancewww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/corporate/corporate-governance/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -T Levelswww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/careers/why-work-for-us/t-levels/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -ME/CFS Servicewww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/our-services/me-cfs-service/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Website accessibilitywww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/website-accessibility/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -About uswww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/research/about-us/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Social Workerswww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/careers/professions/social-workers/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Assertive Outreach Teamwww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/our-services/assertive-outreach-team/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Communications and mediawww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/corporate/media-area/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Blog Articleswww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/news/blogs/page/8/ | 1 |
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -Advice and supportwww.leedsandyorkpft.nhs.uk/advice-support/ | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here