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La Roche College
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Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
1 | |
LRU CARES Act 30 Day Report_9420_91120.pdflaroche.edu/uploadedFiles/About(1)/LRU%20CARES%20Act%2030%20Day%20Report_9420_91120.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
LRU CARES Quarterly Report Report_101120 to 123120.pdflaroche.edu/uploadedFiles/About(1)/LRU%20CARES%20Quarterly%20Report%20Report_101120%20to%20123120.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
Quartly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for HEERF (PDF)laroche.edu/uploadedFiles/About(1)/00398700_HEERF_Q42021_11022(1).pdf | 1 |
Quartly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for HEERF (PDF)laroche.edu/uploadedFiles/About(1)/00398700_HEERF_Q32021_111921.pdf | 1 |
LRU CARES Act Initial Report-May 22, 2020.pdflaroche.edu/uploadedFiles/About(1)/LRU%20CARES%20Act%20Initial%20Report-May%2022,%202020.pdf | 1 |
Microsoft Word - Feb. 28, 2020 - First.docxlaroche.edu/uploadedFiles/Student_Life/Health_and_Counseling_Services/Feb.%2028%202020%20-%20First.pdf | 1 |
LRC 2013 Logo GK Draftslaroche.edu/uploadedFiles/About(1)/Career%20Out%20Infograph%2021.pdf | 1 |
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