Ensure PDFs have a title
Klondike ISD
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.2
All PDFs must define a valid title. This must not be confused with the file name. See PDF 18 for details.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Purchase Request Form.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/page/0082/docs/Purchase%20Request%20Form.pdf | 1 |
1-KISD -LocalComplaint_FORM.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/common/docs/1-KISD%20-LocalComplaint_FORM.pdf | 1 |
Assessment.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/page/0081/docs/Assessment.pdf | 1 |
Maint.Application.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/page/0065/docs/Maint.Application.pdf | 1 |
Web workman comp.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/common/docs/Web%20workman%20comp.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
1 | |
9-13-19 agenda wellness.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/page/0081/docs/9-13-19%20agenda%20wellness.pdf | 1 |
summer hours.pdfklondike.esc17.net/upload/page/0087/docs/summer%20hours.pdf | 1 |
1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here