Ensure links explain their purpose
KAZ Minerals
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
The purpose of a link should be clear from the text inside the link. Links like "learn more" are not helpful to users with accessible technology.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
KAZ Minerals | Aktogaywww.kazminerals.com/our-business/aktogay/ | 24 |
KAZ Minerals | Bozymchakwww.kazminerals.com/our-business/bozymchak/ | 22 |
KAZ Minerals | Bozshakolwww.kazminerals.com/our-business/bozshakol/ | 22 |
KAZ Minerals | Our businesswww.kazminerals.com/our-business/ | 21 |
KAZ Minerals | About uswww.kazminerals.com/about-us/ | 21 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingwww.kazminerals.com/ | 19 |
KAZ Minerals | Homewww.kazminerals.com/ | 19 |
KAZ Minerals | Careerswww.kazminerals.com/careers/ | 18 |
KAZ Minerals | Newswww.kazminerals.com/news/ | 18 |
KAZ Minerals | Sustainabilitywww.kazminerals.com/sustainability/ | 17 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here