Write lists or groups of links semantically
Ingram ISD
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Lists of related items should be written semantically as a list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
UIL Academics - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/uilacademics | 2 |
Calendar - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/calendar | 2 |
Testing Information - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/testinginfo | 1 |
Handbooks - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/handbooks | 1 |
Child Nutrition - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/childnutrition | 1 |
Music - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/music | 1 |
Superintendent - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/superintendent | 1 |
Human Resources - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/humanresources | 1 |
Ingram Tom Moore Football - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/itmfootball | 1 |
ITM Tennis - Ingram Independent School Districtwww.ingramisd.net/itmtennis | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here