Ensure links explain they open in a new tab
Heartland Community College
From: WCAG 2.0 AAA 3.2.5
Avoid opening links in a new tab or window. Where you must do this, include an explanation in the text of the link.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
College NOW | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/collegeNow/index.html | 44 |
Safety & Crisis Support | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/heyhunter/safety.html | 10 |
College Success Coaching | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/success/index.html | 10 |
Apply to Heartland | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/application/index.html | 8 |
Student Support | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/heyhunter/index.html | 8 |
Adult Education | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/adultEd/index.html | 7 |
Library | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/library/index.html | 6 |
Sports & Recreation | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/studentLife/sports.html | 5 |
Hawk Café | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/studentLife/cafe.html | 4 |
Fitness and Recreation Center | Heartland Community Collegewww.heartland.edu/fitnessRec/index.html | 4 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here