Write lists or groups of links semantically
Emory University
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Lists of related items should be written semantically as a list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Impact | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/research/impact.html | 1 |
Undergraduate Admission | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/admission/undergraduate.html | 1 |
University Reports | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/explore/reports.html | 1 |
Libraries and Resourceswww.emory.edu/home/academics/libraries.html | 1 |
Admission | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/admission/index.html | 1 |
Faculty Research | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/research/faculty.html | 1 |
Nondegree Programs | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/admission/non-degree.html | 1 |
Research | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/research/index.html | 1 |
Maps | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/admission/visit/maps.html | 1 |
Explore Emory | Emory University | Atlanta GAwww.emory.edu/home/explore/index.html | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here