Specify alternative text for images inside links
Drury University
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.1.1
When an image is the only content of a link, it should specify alternative text,
via an alt
attribute. The alternative text should describe the purpose of the link.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Drury University | Choose Your Pathwaywww.drury.edu/ | 6 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingwww.drury.edu/ | 6 |
Venues at Drury - Drury Universitywww.drury.edu/reservations/ | 6 |
Drury GO | Greater Opportunities | Programs | Educationwww.drury.edu/go/ | 4 |
Law Enforcement Academy | Law Enforcementwww.drury.edu/go/law-enforcement/ | 3 |
Undergraduate Admission | Private Universitywww.drury.edu/admission/ | 3 |
Life at Drury | Communitywww.drury.edu/life-at-drury/ | 3 |
Upcoming Events – Drury Universitywww.drury.edu/calendar/ | 2 |
Make Your Giftwww.drury.edu/alumni/giving-forms/make-your-gift/ | 2 |
Drury GO Locations | Drury Go | Online Classeswww.drury.edu/go/why-drury-go/locations/ | 2 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here