Specify alternative text for images inside links

Doncaster Rovers FC

From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.1.1

When an image is the only content of a link, it should specify alternative text, via an alt attribute. The alternative text should describe the purpose of the link.

Where this issue has occurred

Where this issue has occurred
Title / URLIssues
iFollow FAQs | Doncaster Roverswww.doncasterroversfc.co.uk/ifollow/faqs/
Download our new Official Club App | Doncaster Roverswww.doncasterroversfc.co.uk/ifollow/official-club-app/
TICKETS | Rovers v Harrogate Town - 07/03/23 | News | Doncaster Roverswww.doncasterroversfc.co.uk/news/2022/june/harrogate-ticket-news/
Sutton United vs Doncaster Rovers on 18 Feb 23 - Match Centre | Doncaster Roverswww.doncasterroversfc.co.uk/matches/fixtures/first-team/202223/february/sutton-united-vs-doncaster-rovers-on-18-feb-23/

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