Ensure links are distinguished by more than just color
Dilley ISD
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.4.1
Links must be appear visually distinct from regular text. A common mistake is to make links only differ subtly in color. Users with visual impairments cannot see these links.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Page Not Found | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/invented-url-for-404-page | 1 |
Substitutes | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/substitutes | 1 |
Report A Bully | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/report-a-bully | 1 |
Athletics | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/athletics | 1 |
Special Programs | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/o/district/page/special-programs | 1 |
Cross Country | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/cross-country | 1 |
Fentanyl Information | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/fentanyl | 1 |
Federal Programs | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/federal-programs | 1 |
Business Office | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/business-office | 1 |
Vaping Information | Dilley Independent School Districtwww.dilleyisd.net/page/vaping | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here