Write lists or groups of links semantically
Collin County, Texas
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
Lists of related items should be written semantically as a list.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Collin Countywww.collincountytx.gov/ | 6 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingwww.collincountytx.gov/ | 6 |
Collin County | Tax Assessor-Collector Homewww.collincountytx.gov/Tax-Assessor | 5 |
Collin County | District Clerk Homewww.collincountytx.gov/District-Clerk | 5 |
Collin County | Elections Homewww.collincountytx.gov/Elections | 5 |
Collin County | Contact Homewww.collincountytx.gov/Contact | 4 |
Collin County | Public Safety and Courtswww.collincountytx.gov/Courts | 4 |
Budget and Finance Homewww.collincountytx.gov/Government/Budget | 4 |
Collin County | Animal Services Homewww.collincountytx.gov/Services/Animal-Services | 4 |
Collin County | Public Information Homewww.collincountytx.gov/Public-Information | 4 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here