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Cedar Crest College
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
PDFs need to be tagged in a valid reading order for accessibility. See Adobe's guide and WCAG for advice.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Microsoft Word - CEDARCRESTCOLLEGEHAZINGREPORT2014-2021[69].docxwww3.cedarcrest.edu/security/pdf/CEDARCRESTCOLLEGEHAZINGREPORT2014-2021.pdf | 1 |
Microsoft Word - EMERGENCY ACTIONS GUIDELINES REV 30 APR 12.docxwww3.cedarcrest.edu/security/EMERGENCYACTIONSGUIDELINES.pdf | 1 |
CCC_CampusMap_CODESwww3.cedarcrest.edu/pdf/CCC_CampusMap_AccessibleParkingandPathways2020xn.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
C:\Users\dafrehul\Desktop\Department\NEW MAPS\MAR 09 2018 NEW FIRST YEAR MAP w Falconplex UNDONE Model (1)www3.cedarcrest.edu/security/pdf/APR_132018NEWFIRSTYEAR%20MAPwFalconplex.pdf | 1 |
1 | |
C:\Users\dafrehul\Desktop\NOV 10 2017 NEW COMMUTER MAP w Falconplex UNDONE Model (1)www3.cedarcrest.edu/security/pdf/FEB222018NEWCOMMUTERMAPwFalconplex.pdf | 1 |
C:\Users\dafrehul\Desktop\Department\NEW MAPS\MAR 27 2018 NEW UPPERCLASS MAP w Falconplex UNDONE Model (1)www3.cedarcrest.edu/security/pdf/APR_132018NEWUPPERCLASSMAPwFalconplex.pdf | 1 |
1 |
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