Avoid using the same link text for different destinations
Caretech Holdings Plc
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
Screen reader users will see links on a page listed without context, so you should ensure the same link text is not used to point to different web addresses.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Shareholder Information | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/investors/shareholder-information?tab=2018 | 73 |
Shareholder Information | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/investors/shareholder-information?tab=2020 | 73 |
Shareholder Information | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/investors/shareholder-information | 73 |
Shareholder Information | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/investors/shareholder-information?tab=2022 | 73 |
Shareholder Information | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/investors/shareholder-information?tab=2021 | 73 |
Shareholder Information | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/investors/shareholder-information?tab=2019 | 73 |
Press Releases | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/news/press-releases?tab=2020 | 69 |
Press Releases | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/news/press-releases?tab=2021 | 69 |
Press Releases | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/news/press-releases?tab=2019 | 69 |
Press Releases | CareTechwww.caretech-uk.com/news/press-releases?tab=archive | 69 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here