Ensure pages don't require zooming and 2D scrolling on small screens
Cardiff Metropolitan University
From: WCAG 2.1 AA 1.4.10
When viewed on small screens (like mobile phones) content should be large enough to read without being zoomed-into and scrolled in two dimensions.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Academic Registry Unfair Practicewww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/registry/Pages/Unfair_Practice.aspx | 1 |
Scholarships - Research - CardiffMetwww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/research/Pages/Scholarships.aspx | 1 |
Business Collaborate with uswww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/business/Pages/Collaborate-with-us.aspx | 1 |
1 | |
Alumni Update your detailswww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/alumni/Pages/Update-Your-Details.aspx | 1 |
Bursaries & Scholarships Homewww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/study/finance/bursaries/Pages/default.aspx | 1 |
1 | |
Research Research at Cardiff School of Educationwww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/education/research/Pages/default.aspx | 1 |
Commercial Units - Business - CardiffMetwww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/business/Pages/Commercial-Units.aspx | 1 |
Catering Cateringwww.cardiffmet.ac.uk/study/catering/Pages/default.aspx | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here