Ensure interactive components are far enough apart
Canada Research Chairs
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.5.8
All interactive components on a page, such as buttons or menus, should be far enough apart from other interactive areas, to avoid them being used by mistake.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Chairs Administration Guidewww.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/program-programme/admin_guide-eng.aspx | 94 |
45 | |
Terms and Conditionswww.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/notices-avis/index-eng.aspx?pedisable=true | 42 |
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Requirements and Practiceswww.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/program-programme/equity-equite/index-eng.aspx | 42 |
Canada Research Chairs - Peer Reviewerswww.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/peer_reviewers-evaluateurs/index-eng.aspx | 37 |
Terms and Conditionswww.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/notices-avis/index-eng.aspx | 31 |
28 | |
Canada Research Chairswww.chairs-chaires.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx?pedisable=true | 25 |
22 | |
22 |
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