Ensure interactive components are far enough apart
Black Hills Credit Union
From: WCAG 2.2 AA 2.5.8
All interactive components on a page, such as buttons or menus, should be far enough apart from other interactive areas, to avoid them being used by mistake.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Sitemap | Black Hills FCU Site | Black Hills Federal CUwww.bhfcu.com/sitemap | 44 |
Vehicle Loan Rates | SD, MT, and WY Auto Loan Rates | BHFCUwww.bhfcu.com/rates/vehicle-loan-rates | 19 |
Vehicle Loans | Recreational Loans | Black Hills FCUwww.bhfcu.com/borrow/personal/vehicle-loans | 18 |
Page Not Found | Black Hills Federal Credit Unionwww.bhfcu.com/page-not-found | 18 |
Certificate Rates | SD, MT, and WY Certificate Rates | BHFCUwww.bhfcu.com/rates/certificate-rates | 18 |
Debit Cards | SD, MT, and WY | Visa Debit Card | BHFCUwww.bhfcu.com/save-spend/personal/debit-cards | 18 |
Out of Area | Locations | Black Hills Federal Credit Unionwww.bhfcu.com/access/locations/out-of-area | 18 |
Borrow | SD Credit Union Loans | BHFCUwww.bhfcu.com/borrow | 18 |
Savings & Checking Accounts | Credit Union Accounts | BHFCUwww.bhfcu.com/save-spend | 18 |
Personal Loan Rates | BHFCU | SD, MT, and WY Personal Loan Rateswww.bhfcu.com/rates/personal-loan-rates | 18 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here