Ensure links are distinguished by more than just color
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.4.1
Links must be appear visually distinct from regular text. A common mistake is to make links only differ subtly in color. Users with visual impairments cannot see these links.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Donate - If you are as passionate about cycling, here we are! | Bikeabilitywww.bikeability.org.uk/donate/ | 4 |
Join Bikeability & Frog Bikes' Summer of Cycling and WIN a bike!www.bikeability.org.uk/blogs/summer-of-cycling/ | 4 |
Cycle to School Week - Bikeabilitywww.bikeability.org.uk/events/cycle-to-school-week/ | 4 |
4 | |
Privacy Policy | Bikeabilitywww.bikeability.org.uk/privacy-policy/ | 3 |
Help more children learn to ridewww.bikeability.org.uk/blog/help-more-children-learn-to-ride/ | 3 |
Newsletter opt-inwww.bikeability.org.uk/newsletter-opt-in/ | 3 |
You searched for - Page 10 of 51 - Bikeabilitywww.bikeability.org.uk/page/10/?s | 3 |
You searched for - Page 48 of 51 - Bikeabilitywww.bikeability.org.uk/page/48/?s | 3 |
Our Trustees - Bikeabilitywww.bikeability.org.uk/about/our-trustees/ | 3 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here