Ensure form controls have labels
Austin Peay State University
From: WCAG 2.0 A 1.3.1
People using screen readers are not able to see the layout of a form. To make forms accessible, they must define explicit text labels for each form control.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
Austin Peay Calendarwww.apsu.edu/calendar/index.php | 2 |
Austin Peay Calendarwww.apsu.edu/calendar/ | 2 |
APSU Hubwww.apsu.edu/hub/index.php | 1 |
A-Z Indexwww.apsu.edu/azindex/index.php | 1 |
Austin Peay State Universitywww.apsu.edu/index.php | 1 |
First time visit: View without clicking anythingwww.apsu.edu/ | 1 |
Clarksvillewww.apsu.edu/clarksville/ | 1 |
1 | |
College of STEMwww.apsu.edu/costem/ | 1 |
Parents and Familieswww.apsu.edu/parents/index.php | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here