Ensure links explain their purpose
Arkansas Northeastern College
From: WCAG 2.0 A 2.4.4
The purpose of a link should be clear from the text inside the link. Links like "learn more" are not helpful to users with accessible technology.
Where this issue has occurred
Title / URL | Issues |
A-Z Index | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/az | 25 |
Faculty Staff Directory | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/facstaff | 25 |
About ANC | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/aboutanc | 7 |
Career Pathways | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/pathways | 4 |
TRIO Programs | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/trio | 3 |
Advising Center | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/advising | 2 |
ANC Foundation/Yamato Kogyo Scholarship Golf Tournament | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/golf | 2 |
Employment Opportunities | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/jobs | 2 |
Register at ANC | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/register | 2 |
News/Media Archive | Arkansas Northeastern Collegewww.anc.edu/blank-3 | 1 |
Only the top 10 issues are shown here